martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

The economy of HOI IV in developers mind

Well before get into a "psudo engine" of economy for HOI IV, we should talk about how is modeled.

Developers want a game without money, without money stockpiles after the bad experies of the series of game where ai don't use this in a proper way.

So the game runs with the idea of interchanges in a base IC. Buying resources operation trades 8 units of resources for 1 IC from a civilian factoriy. To build, you use an civilian factory as the state uses the taxes money for construction, same with trades. Don't forget, the buying resources represent the "state" usage of resources in war industries.

So if i have 20 Civilian factories and 10 Military factories we have 20 IC because military factory is not considered a IC producer. Now we import 6 IC and export 3 IC, this is additive, we will have 17 IC to buy or construct. But the game have an additional restriction to this: consumer goods.

Consumer goods could be seen as many ways: could be the many spent in inner economy or the money that state could took from economy.
In first perspective 30% consumer goods means that 30% of economy money is demanded by people. In the taxed conception, you can receive 70% of economy flow.

The taxed conception is the most useful.

Military factories doesn't spend IC to work because its implicate in the price of resources. Their are not the resources in deed (take account this work for Communist and capitalist) so in the most open view someone extract it and you can use the money from taxes to buy it.

The most interesting model could be made from actual tools is the command over consumer goods-resources to the market modifiers (also extraction modifiers) to balance the engine with previous consideration.

This no impact over the people import/export, that should be modeled with some kind of simplicity.

Something i didn't mentioned: consumer goods were based in a percentage from CF+MF but affect directly over IC then only reduce the amount of CF available for actions.

There is a problem with special building used into BICE mod. They couldn't influence total IC nor consumer goods.
If they are used in a very low numbers could be a way to avoid the effect over calculation. Restrict to a limit of 5 for getting bonus in economy (i could say that they have bonus by specific way for specific country, don't forget, this were not the factories that build, having tanks factories gives production bonus, no add production lines).

So pseudo engine could cover imp/exp balance, the resources needed from outside the country to work and economic phases. Also some elemts from BICE that could be used are the laws for economic, but i think the dayly action should be simplified so this should take part in the changes.

Using an idea as flag and efects of the economic phase is the best idea actualy.

Also communist economy should maybe use another calculation. A especific law that define economy more over if commies are in the head of state is interesting too

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