Hi, i was far long for a time.
Well Paradox have ear our treads and the next DLC will incluide fuel usage for all units.
Is an very important advantage for game, i hope this work fine, will rebalance a lot the game.
Now after a while waiting for the TIGER dlc, we have many interesting changes.
The border conflic as i saw for a short is not very flexible for mobile situation, but could be improved.
The command system is great and the evolution of generals is great. Also desitions.
i was looing for fresh mod that complete the game playtrough and i found this group:
- Operation overhaul + AI expert 4.0 is a intereting ai+tech combo.
- Make peace no the war, to hava partial invasion peace, but i feel it try to be a total solution, something is far than script system clould handle.
- Additional Effects ver.English, the first real aprouch for doctine change.
i will speak a little of Additional Effects.
The idea about it is that doctrines were more flexibles, something there was never avaible in HOI series. A offensive, a defensive and a planning doctrine employed as a law. This is great, could be changes very well by desitions.
The problem are the tactics becose they must be employed by doctrine tech. So.... is not flexible still.
The lack of force tech is a problem too. Theres no way to avoid the tech tree even with changes, the way would be employ all tactics but that goes against the same idea of tactics.
Best compostion would be offensive doctrine, defensive doctrine, batlle plan doctrine, air docrine,
naval doctrine and naval interdiction doctrine (wich in particular hadle surface interdiction, sub prizerule interdiction, sub interriction, unrestricted sub interdiction and no interdiction operation with the idea of hurt something in commerce, opinion and warm up of other faction).
But i refuse the idea of lineal extra bonus for tech this mod have. I like this stufs even with similar system but on specific circunstances.
New resourses mods have been very well development, they emulate fuel (something will be remplace by a core system), copper (ammo, a good idea for tanks and artillery), grain/food (to get rations) but still the energy is still not employed a big lack, but i thin it will be take in count when fuel be a core system.
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